In-situ triggers for civic engagement

There are many organizations and online communities that offer services to revitalize San Francisco neighborhoods. The information about them is usually spread via word of mouth or learned after a series of search queries from a motivated civilian try to do something for the community. The problem is that it is challenging for individuals to learn about these organizations and navigate their various protocols. Even further, it is difficult to take action exactly when the pain or inspiration arises.

This project explored mobile and tactile solutions for connecting individuals with existing organizations and online communities, enabling individuals to take action while on-the-go, the moment the need and motivation arise.

Project concept developed for the Leading by Design Fellowship Program at the California College of the Arts.

Something to chew on

I wanted to share some quotes with a friend in a casual manner. This became the beginning of a personal project, a pack of 12 chewable quotes to take a break and ponder on (e.g. "One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things", Henry Miller).

I still have a few packs, so if you want to share with a friend, drop me a line (@aolmos).  It is on me, feel free to share and enjoy!

Rótulo [Sp]

Message or text that is placed in a public place and serves to give notice of a thing. This is a celebration of the many handmade 'rótulos' seen in Oaxaca.

Splitting the bill

Eating out with friends is fun. But splitting the bill can be a bit of a headache. With a mobile OCR app, splitting the bill could be as easy as taking a picture. The Füd app automatically shares the bill with your friends, lets you select your items, and calculates your total including tip.

This was a quick weekend prototype put together during the 2013 Launch Hackathon, while teaming up with Ken Koster, Ed Koster and Ken Ko.

Guidelines, not rules

"There are no rules, but principles… there are guidelines... there are things that work well most of the time, but there is nothing that works all the time." - Jason Santa Maria, "On Web Typography"